a cup of fever grass tea on a plate with grass in the background

Fever grass tea, celebrated for its refreshing flavor and claimed health benefits across the Caribbean. According to several studies the herbal has numerous health benefits because of the natural components.

Traditional Uses

Fever grass tea is often used as a remedy for fevers, colds, pneumonia, upset stomach, headaches and menstrual pain. Fever grass’ pleasing citrusy aroma makes it popular for flavoring foods, and the grass essential oil is prized for its calming and rejuvenating effects.

What Is Fever Grass?

Fever grass, commonly known as West Indian lemongrass or Barbed wire grass. Its botanical name is Cymbopogon citratus.  It is the species of lemongrass that is most common in the Caribbean.

Lemongrass Tea Benefits

We will examine a few possible Fever grass tea benefits in this article.

1. Fever Grass Tea For Digestion

Drinking fever grass tea may help relieve bloating, constipation, and indigestion due to its carminative properties.These properties come from the main compound identified in Fevergrass-Citral. Citral1 is known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory benefits.

2. For Cough and Cold

Tannins are polyphenols in Fever grass and other foods. They have antimicrobial behavior that can slow the growth of viruses and bacteria. Tannins in Fever grass may help relieve cough, cold, the flu and intestinal infections.

3. Fever Grass Detox Benefits

One of the benefits of Fever grass is it has natural compounds that cause increased urine production. As a result the tea acts as a natural diuretic to flush toxins from the kidneys.

4. Lemongrass For Anxiety

Fever grass essential oil contains Geraniol which gives the plant its combined sweet, citrusy, floral aroma. This makes this tea one of the relaxing calming teas. Geraniol contributes to Fever grass tea antimicrobial properties to help ward off viruses and bacteria.

5. Fever Grass Tea For Pain

Limonene is another active compound in Fever grass tea that offers antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits2. Because of this, the tea is known for its ability to alleviate pain. For individuals suffering from headaches or joint pain, sipping a cup of Fever grass tea may offer some relief.

Important Note on Studies

It’s important to note that the benefits mentioned are based on limited data from controlled studies. More extensive research, including clinical trials, are needed to fully understand the effects of fever grass tea on the body.

Fever Grass Tea Recipe

Now that you know some of the benefits of Fever grass tea, are you eager to give it a try? Follow these simple steps to make Fever grass tea:


  • 2-3 fresh Fever grass stalks (a handful of dried stalks)
  • 4 cups of water
  • Honey or lemon (optional, for taste)


  • Thoroughly clean Fever grass to remove debris.
  • Crush the grass to release its oil and flavor
  • Bring cups of water to a boil in a pot.
  • Add the Fever Grass to the boiling water.
  • Reduce heat and let the tea simmer for 5-7 minutes
  • Remove from heat and strain

Your homemade Fever grass tea is ready to be enjoyed. You can either drink the tea plain,hot or chilled. You can also add honey or lemon to enhance the flavor.

Fevergrass Tea Nutrition

In addition to the health benefits Fever grass is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. For example, your cup of Fever grass tea contains  Vitamin A, B and C,  potassium, magnesium and manganese. Here’s what they do for the body:

Vitamin AVitamin A is crucial for maintaining healthy vision, particularly in low-light conditions.
B Vitamins B vitamins, especially B6, B9 (folate), and B12, are essential for brain health and cognitive function.
Vitamin C Vitamin C is necessary for the growth, development, and repair of all body tissues.
PotassiumPotassium helps balance sodium levels in the body, which can help lower blood pressure.
MagnesiumMagnesium plays a role in glucose metabolism and can improve insulin sensitivity.
ManganeseManganese is involved in the metabolism of cholesterol and carbohydrates.

Fever Grass Tea Side Effects

  • Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may experience allergies to Lemongrass. If you notice any skin rashes, itching, or swelling, discontinue consumption immediately.
  • Gastrointestinal Discomfort: In rare cases, drinking too much Fever grass tea may cause upset stomach or diarrhea. So consume the tea in moderation.
  •  Interaction with Medications: Fever grass tea may interact with certain medications. Consult your doctor if you are taking prescription drugs before adding this tea to your diet.

Related Article: You may also like Thyme Tea For Sore Throat


Fever grass tea, with its rich history and potential health benefits, can be a delightful addition to your diet. You can pruchase Fever grass tea bags or loose tea in many local grocery stores of online.

While the tea has many benefits, it also is not good for everyone. Therefore, it is important to consume it moderation and always consult healthcare professionals when necessary.

As more research emerges, we look forward to understanding even more about the benefits of this remarkable plant.


  1. Brown, William H.. “citral”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 25 Feb. 2018, https://www.britannica.com/science/citral. Accessed 23 July 2024. ↩︎
  2. Boukhatem, Mohamed Nadjib et al. “Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus) essential oil as a potent anti-inflammatory and antifungal drugs.” The Libyan journal of medicine vol. 9,1 25431. 19 Sep. 2014, doi:10.3402/ljm.v9.25431 ↩︎

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